2012年11月16日 星期五

Post4: 協作 "Collaboration" 和 合作"Cooperation" 的分別

前一堂,我們學會如何分辨 協作 "Collaboration" 和 合作"Cooperation" 的定理。

- "協作意思"是指在工作或學習中,與他人關係的聯結。是與人相處的方式尊重差異,分享知識。

- "合作意思"是指與別人一起同心合力工作,以達成一個共同目標。


- "協作學習"可以說是一種個人的處事哲學,並不只是課堂裡的教學技術。它所指的是一種在團隊中如何尊重他人貢獻及突顯個別能力的處事方法,且著重的是在團隊活動中的權力分配責任分擔。

- "合作學習"是指透過一組過程來幫助人們相互交流,以完成特定目標或開發擁有具體內容產品。這是比起協作來說更直接地由教師來支配和密切控制。雖然有許多機制是分組型式進行分析與反思,但它根本的途徑仍是以教師為中心,鑑於協作學習的以學生為中心。


Ref. A Definition of Collaborative vs Cooperative Learning By Ted Panitz (1996)

4 則留言:

  1. Cooperation is characterized by a division of tasks within a group,in which fellow members of a group work individually on segments of the whole task first, then they compose the separate solutions. While collaboration means group members interact with each other actively on a continual basis.They communicate with each other and share something in the process of collaboration.When come down to education,it can promote the formation of learner-centered environment.

  2. Collaborative learning is a personal philosophy, rather than just a classroom technology. In all cases, the people come together group, it shows a respect, and stressed that the ability of the individual members of the group and the contribution approach. Group action group members have a shared authority and responsibility. The basic premise of collaborative learning is based on consensus-building, through cooperation, competition, the individual members of the other group members.

    Cooperative learning by a set of procedures to help people interact together in order to achieve specific goals or the development of the final product is usually specific content. This tight control of instruction than a collaboratve the system of governance and teacher. Although many group analysis and reflection mechanisms fundamental approach is teacher-centered and collaborative learning is student-centered.


  3. 擁有不同學習能力、知識、技能的學生的知識建構群體,形成一個充滿多元化的意念和想法的學習環境,能有效促進概念的進化,達至更新和更高的層次,因為當他們將自己的知識分享和交換,就能得著共同的知識增長。同時,作為知識建構群體的成員學生提供對群體的學習有價值的意見,並共同承擔令群體知識進升的責任(Scardamalia, M. ,2002)。


    Scardamalia, M. (2002). Collective cognitive responsibility for the advancement of knowledge. In B. Smith (Ed.), Liberal education in a knowledge society (pp. 67-98). Chicago: Open Court.

  4. 以合作和協作為題,清楚介定兩者之間的關係,這個主題吸引我對現在的教學作出反思,



