2012年11月29日 星期四

Post5 認識"知識建構"(Knowledge Building)

什麼是"知識建構"(Knowledge Building)

上堂 Prof. Chan 講解了什麼是“知識建構(knowledge building)”,主要意思是指一個群體共同推進及知識的創造與改良。該過程包括:群體共同對事物進行探究,發掘不足,基於這些不足,深入研討、探究、總結並評估群體中的意念,從而創建新知。學生可以使用 一系列的輔助科技來實施知識建構,其中最重要的一個科技是“知識庫” (knowledge-base),該科技為學生提供在網上協作研討的環境。

根據 (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006)兩位學者所說"知識建構"被認為是一種促進個人“21世紀技巧(21st century skills)”發展的教學方法。21世紀技巧包括:團隊協作,學習如何學習,應對新情境挑戰,和使用IT技術輔助學習。


例如: "Knowledge Forum"

Knowledge Forum is the web-based knowledge building environment developed by IKIT and Learning in Motion. It is designed to support collaboration, idea improvement, synthesis, and rise-above.  http://www.knowledgeforum.com/

"Knowledge Connections Analyzer" (KCA)

Developed by Jan van Aalst et al. (The University of Hong Kong)

This tool is designed to be used by students and teachers to reflect on four aspects of their work on Knowledge Forum. It uses server-log data (e.g., how many notes a student has written), but presents the information in the context of four general questions:
  1. Are we a community that collaborates?
  2. Are we putting our knowledge together?
  3. How do our  ideas develop over time?
  4. What’s happening to my own notes?

-(Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006)
-"Knowledge Connections Analyzer" (KCA) http://sol.edu.hku.hk:8081/ATK_Analyzer_dev/index_dev.jsp
-"Knowledge Forum" http://www.knowledgeforum.com/

